InforLN has been identified as the Master data source for Sales Invoices. Indeed, all of the Sales Invoices are generated and sent to the customers within the InforLN system. In this regard, Xero is only being used to account for the transactions to cover the financial reporting needs of Linea Light.

Stellarise Connector needs to collect all the recent InforLN Sales Invoices that have been created or modified in the period of time between the last time the Connection has run and the very moment the connector starts to run, as described in the Data Collection chapter.

InforLN Sale Invoice structure is similar to the Xero one; as follows, the rules behind the Sales Invoices synchronisation:

  • Invoices: InforLN SOAP endpoint allows to retrieve the “Registered” (aka Live) and “Deleted” Sales Invoices and Credit notes. The additional “Deleted” subset of invoices is due to the InforLN functionality “Credit and Rebill”, which allows a user to create an orphan Credit Note, setting as deleted the related Sales Invoice.
    This behaviour can cause Xero discrepancies, hence the possible deleted invoice related to the Credit Note, also needs to be created in Xero.
  • Invoice Names: Generated Invoice Numbers in Xero are a dash-separated concatenation of three fields contained in InforLN that, together, allow to uniquely identify a 1:1 relation between the Invoice in Xero and in InforLN. Example: 1234-SIN-1234567890
  • Invoice Lines: Regardless in InforLN every invoice has different invoice lines reporting all the items that compose the final price, Stellarise Connector only creates a single invoice line reporting the total net Invoice Amount. Xero then calculates the Tax depending on the assigned Tax Rate. Following this, the invoice line in Xero is described by:
    • Item Code: no item code is used
    • Description: If there is no relation to a Purchase Invoice(InforLN will pass this as a field in the Sales Invoice), this field only reports “RTF”, otherwise it reports “PI xxx-xxx-xxxxx” where xxx-xxx-xxxxx is the Purchase Invoice Number whom the Sales Invoice is referring to.
    • Unit Price: it’s always a net amount. It’s the sum of the single unit prices coming from the InforLN invoice lines.
    • Discount: it’s the sum of the unit amount discounts coming from the InforLN invoice lines.
    • Taxes: regardless tax amount are coming from InforLN, always let Xero calculate these for us. See more detail in the following bullet points.
  • Invoice Lines Amounts: InforLN always considers unit and line amounts as unit prices. The Xero invoice is then always set up as ‘Amounts are Tax Exclusive’, allowing Xero itself to calculate the tax amount depending on the defined Tax Rates.
  • Invoice Lines ledger codes: when creating Invoices in Xero, Stellarise Connector assigns two standard ledger codes, one for Sales (and one for Purchases) that are defined at the Stellarise Connection Settings level, within the web User Interface. Through this UI it is also possible to define a Map between the ledger codes in InforLN and Xero. If a Ledger Code mapping between the two systems exists, then the related ledger code is used.
  • Invoice Lines Tax Rates: in InforLN, tax rates are defined/set up in relation to each Business Partner. This information is then taken by Stellarise Connector and assigned using the TaxRates lookup table defined in the User Interface.
    Double check if the tax amount calculated by Xero is the same Tax Amount calculated by InforLN. If it’s not the case, then trigger an alert in the Audit, reporting the Tax discrepancy between the two systems.
  • Credit Notes: InforLN credit notes are basically Invoices with a negative sign; they follow the same logic as per Sales Invoices.


As previously mentioned, InforLN does not allow to amend a record marked as “Registered”. For this reason, only “Approved” Xero records are synchronised and created.

In terms of Taxes, these are already calculated by InforLN; anyway, the Connector will leave Xero calculate them again, as a sort of double check. Whenever there will be amount discrepancies between InforLN and Xero, these will be then manually fixed.

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