Table to View, filter and even export the synchronisation events, reporting the status and the description of the synchronisation. This is functionality is essential for the End User to see what has happened when there are discrepancies or issues between InforLN and Xero that need to be addressed.

Stellarise Connector is set to periodically re-run the failed transfers. In case of failing and failing, Failed record do not need to be duplicated; instead define a key and override it if necessary. Only consider the failed record if the field syhDiscarded it is set 0, otherwise the record will be hidden an no considered anymore.


These buttons allow basic operations on the table. In order:

  1. Data Refresh: it refreshes the table content with the latest version of the databse data. This refresh does not require the full page to re-load but only the table content, so it will be a lot faster for the end user to monitor the latest changes.
  2. Clipboard copy: copy the  selected rows in the computer clipboard, to then be able to paste  them into Excel or similar. If no rows are selected, then it copies the whole table.
  3. Excel Download: download the  selected rows as an Excel file, to then be able to open it into Excel or similar. If no rows are selected, then it downloads the whole table.
  4. Show/Hide columns: columns in the table are reorganisable and can be hidden per user will. This button allows a user to decide what are the columns to show or to hide.

All of the visualisation preferences of the tables are stored in the browser. This means that changing a table visualisation won't affect other users or other browsers.

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