
In both the Sales and Purchase invoices transferred by Stellarise Connector from InforLN to Xero, it seems there is only one invoice line each, sometimes reporting "RTF" and sometimes "Referred to: XX-XXX-XXXXXX". What is that? How it works?


For what concerns the scope of Stellarise Connector invoice transferring, in InforLN every Sales invoice have a Sales Order, every Sales Order has a Purchase Order, every Purchase Order has a Purchase invoice; it might be clearer using this semplification:

Sales Invoice > Sales Order > Purchase Order > Purchase Invoice

During the design phase of Stellarise Connector, it has been defined that every transferred invoice from InforLN to Xero is actually composed by one single line, summing up all the totals within, so to simplify the financial reports. In order to relate the Sales Invoice to a Purchase Invoice and vice-versa, Stellarise Connector marks the Description field of the first and unique invoice line   as "Relation to be Defined" (RTF) if there is no binding with the related Invoice, "Referred to: INVOICENUMBER" if the binding exists.

What happens if the binding does not exist at the moment of the Sales Invoice creation for example? In future, when the related Purchase Invoice will be created, then Stellarise Connector will also update the related Sales Invoice.

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