InforLN has been identified as the Master data storage for Business Partners (aka Contacts in Xero), meaning that Stellarise Connector needs to transform InforLN Business Partners into Xero Contacts and not vice-versa. In such a way, the expected result is to have Xero populated with Clients and Suppliers coming from InforLN.

Every time the Stellarise Connector starts to run, it needs to work out all the InforLN Partners that are related in the current batch of Invoices and Credit Notes retrieved as described in the Data Collection chapter, obtaining a subset of Clients/Suppliers.

Using the Clients/Suppliers subset, Stellarise Connector tries to Create/Update the Contacts in Xero, in particular reporting the InforLN internal unique key into Xero itself, so to always have a strong relation between InforLN and Xero.

No particular rule is defined during the Contacts syncing but always considering that InforLN is the Master data, forcing the override of existing Xero Contacts or Contacts information.

Note: InforLN has been selected as the Master database of Clients and Suppliers. This means it is not possible to create/amend Clients and Suppliers (Business Partners in InforLN) coming from Xero or other sources; BP need to be set up in InforLN outside the scope of Stellarise Connector.

InforLN will drive the Clients/Supplier details within the following terms:

  • Clients and Goods/Service Supplier details are created and maintained in InforLN, as it is now. They will be then Created/Updated in Xero by the Connector. Fake Xero Suppliers (e.g. McDonalds) will not be considered as real Suppliers.
  • Receipt Bank or the human users create new Suppliers in Xero; only if they are created/imported in InforLN as well, they are then identified as Recurring Suppliers. 
  • The “Recurring Supplier” status tells to transfer a Xero Purchase Invoice into an InforLN Purchase Invoice. A non-recurring  Supplier status allows to transfer a Xero Purchase Invoice into an headless InforLN Expense Record.
  • In Xero it will be possible to see if a Client/Supplier is reported in InforLN because it will have the InforLN unique identifier assigned to the “ContactNumber” field.

Possible Caveats
InforLN only implements the exact, case sensitive match search, it is not capable of fuzzy search – case insensitiveness, wildcards, without spaces etc. – meaning that in order to effectively search for a BP in InforLN and a Contact in Xero, Stellarise Connector needs to implement a more elastic search to match the Xero Contacts against the InforLN BPs. This, for example, to be able to match:

the InforLN “Linea Light S.R.L.” with the Xero “Linea Light   srl”

Anyway, this kind of elastic match is only needed if the InforLN BP is not found among the Xero Contacts by the “Contact Number” field, in order to update the field with the BP unique ID.

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