The Objective of the Stellarise Connector for InforLN and Xero is to automatically synchronise financial items between InforLN and Xero to have better financial reporting and using the Xero functionalities. This project allows Linea Light to:

  • Save the time, otherwise spent to manually create about 10,000 invoices a year.
  • Have more control over the data flow, centralising the point of information exchange in the Stellarise Connector and automatically formatting the data in the InforLN and Xero suitable formats.
  • Drastically reducing the human error rate.
  • Offer a web based User Interface hosted on the Stellarise Connector platform, to control the synchronisation activity using just a browser.

Stellarise Connector pushes/pulls data from both systems: InforLN and Xero. The connection to both endpoints are secured.

Functionalities implemented within the Stellarise Connector solution are listed as follows:

  • From InforLN, the Connector picks up the new/recent SOAP XML data and will transfer this to Xero via REST dealing, where possible, with the API restrictions imposed by Xero.
  • At the same time, the Connector checks for new/recent Xero information and transfers this to InforLN.
  • InforLN has been defined as Master (the source of truth) for the following entities:
    • Business Partners (aka Customers or Suppliers)
    • Sales Invoice and related Credit Notes
    • Purchase Invoices from Linea Light Italy and related Credit Notes
    • Purchase Invoices from other Suppliers and related Credit Notes

Meaning that they will be transferred to Xero and not vice-versa.

  • Xero has been instead identified as Master for:
    • Service Purchase Invoices and related Credit Notes
    • Suppliers’ Payments
    • Customers’ Payments

Meaning that they will be transferred to InforLN (and not vice versa).

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