Map Tax Rate Codes between InforLN and Xero.

Tax Rate Codes used in InforLN and Xero are different, meaning they follow different naming convention logic, resulting in a probable confusion of the financial accounts. In addition, while in Xero there are Tax Rate Codes for sales and Tax Rate Codes for purchases, in InforLN the same Tax Rate Code can be used for Sales and Purchases. To solve this problem, the End User has the possibility to define standard Tax Rate Codes to use for Sales and Purchases and additionally to map specific Tax Rate Codes between InforLN and Xero.

  • Tax Rate Codes
    • For InforLN: Tax code used to map a Xero Tax Rate Code when generating invoices from InforLN to Xero and vice-versa.
    • For Xero Sales: Tax Rate Code used to map when generating Sales invoices from InforLN into Xero and vice-versa.
    • For Xero Purchases: Tax Rate Code used to map when generating Purchase Invoices from InforLN into Xero and vice-versa.


Similarly to the other screens, one of the Tax Rates mapping can be defined as a Default, meaning that if during the synchronisation no mapping is found, this Default will be used instead.

If, for any reason, the default assigned entity is removed from InforLN or Xero and not changed in the Connector Settings, then the synchronisation process will fail for the records that need the default value, generating Audit table Exceptions.

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