Stellarise Connector for InforLN and Xero needs API access to the Xero organisation involved in the connection. API access is secured by Xero using the OAuth2.0 protocol and granted by the Stellarise certified Xero applciation "Stellarise Connector". Access to this resource is simple for the end user and it is wel described by the flow below:


The end user will immediately be redirected back to the Stellarise Connector portal and it's done, the Xero user has successfully granted access to the certified Stellarise Connector API. After granting access, the user is redirected back to the Stellarise Portal, in order to be able to choose which organisation the integration needs to access to (one Xero user can grant access to one or more organisations).

Connected! Stellarise Connector now knows how to connect with Xero, but still InforLN is missing. Click on the "Connect to Infor" button and go to the next chapter.

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