Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



During the description of the following use cases:

  • The Bank Account Number will be always sent from Xero to InforLN as the "Account Number", i.e. excluding the sort-code part. This assumption is due to InforLN limitations and has been taken during the Design phase.
  • The Contact Name is always passed from Xero, even if there is no InforLN correspondence. This because this string can then be used as a reference.
  • At least the Payment or Prepayment ID is passed. These will then be used by InforLN to check on already processed payments or prepayments.
  • Due to InforLN otherwise impossibility for financial matching, Non-Recurring suppliers that refer to employee expenses must be set up in Xero as Contacts following the format "FirstName LastName expenses"

Xero Payment received from Client


DocumentType: 2, In InforLN means "Allocated Purchase Payment"
BusinessPartner: "", no InforLN Business Partner specified, this means that in InforLN this payment will be recorded as an "Expense Record".
InvoiceNumber: abcdefg-303-PI1-1234567890, the Invoice to allocate the payment against.
XeroPaymentID: 43216453-43216453-43216453-43216453, The unique identifier of the Payment ID.
XeroPprepaymentID: "", the Prepayment ID is always empty for Purchase Payments related to Non-recurring-Suppliers.
XeroContactName: "Federico Rossi Expenses", the String name of the non-recurring Supplier


Xero Prepayment received from Client

Xero Prepayment made for  recurring Supplier (Xero supplier does exist in Infor)

it works

Xero Prepayment non recurring Supplier (Xero supplier does not exist in Infor)

gives exception

Documentazione per LL

-Inserire casi per note di credito sales and purchase

-menzionare il fatto che per le non-recurring, il nome del contatto deve essere nome e cognome

-disallocazione e' manuale, descrivere come fare

-cancellazione fatture? se voidata, si elimina manualmente. altrimenti si rimanda a infor che la aggiornaThere is a Xero Prepayment having ID 0001-0001-0001-0001 against the "ABC Customer ltd"  Customer.  The Customer has indeed just paid an upfront amount of money to cover up the next Invoices' payments.

The connector picks the Xero Prepayment "0001-0001-0001-0001" up and  extracts the Customer InforLN Code, then it sends the Prepayment to InforLN.
Particularly, the following fields will be sent:

DocumentType: 4, In InforLN means "Non-allocated Sales Prepayment"
BusinessPartner: "300000066", InforLN Business Partner Code.
InvoiceNumber: "", This is a prepayment, there is no Invoice Number related to it.
XeroPaymentID: "", This is a Prepayment, furthermore PaymentID is empty.
XeroPprepaymentID: "0001-0001-0001-0001", the Prepayment Unique Identifier.
XeroContactName: "ABC Customer ltd", the String name of the Customer

Xero Prepayment made for  recurring Supplier (Xero supplier does exist in Infor)

There is a Xero Prepayment having ID 0002-0002-0002-0002 against the "The Big Supplier ltd" supplier. Supplier exists in InforLN, this means that the Supplier IS a recurring supplier by Design definition.

The connector picks the Xero Prepayment "0002-0002-0002-0002" up and  extracts the Supplier InforLN Code, then it sends the Prepayment to InforLN.
Particularly, the following fields will be sent:

DocumentType: 3, In InforLN means "Non-allocated Purchase Prepayment"
BusinessPartner: "300000099", InforLN Supplier Code.
InvoiceNumber: "", This is a prepayment, there is no Invoice Number related to it.
XeroPaymentID: "", This is a Prepayment, furthermore PaymentID is empty.
XeroPprepaymentID: "0002-0002-0002-0002", the Prepayment Unique Identifier.
XeroContactName: "The Big Supplier ltd", the String name of the Customer

Xero Prepayment non recurring Supplier (Xero supplier does not exist in Infor)

There is a Xero Prepayment having ID 0003-0003-0003-0003 against the "McDonalds" supplier. Supplier DOES NOT exist in InforLN, this means that the Supplier IS NOT a recurring supplier by Design definition.

The connector picks the Xero Prepayment "0003-0003-0003-0003" up and tries to extract the Supplier InforLN Code. The Connector does not find it, so it will block itself immediately, creating a warning message in the Audit Table, reporting the suggestion to manually deal with this case.