Versions Compared


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During the description of the following use cases:

  • The Bank Account Number will be always sent from Xero to InforLN as the "Account Number", i.e. excluding the sort-code part. This assumption is due to InforLN limitations and has been taken during the Design phase.
  • The Contact Name is always passed from Xero, even if there is no InforLN correspondence. This because this string can then be used as a reference.
  • At least the Payment or Prepayment ID is passed. These will then be used by InforLN to check on already processed payments or prepayments.

Xero Payment received from Client

There is a straight Xero Payment having ID 1234-1234-1234-1234 against an a Sales invoice, the related Customer exists in InforLN and the amount is not IS NOT related to any pre-payment.

The connector picks the Xero Payment "1234-1234-1234-1234" up and checks for the Customer InforLN Code. When this preliminary check is done, then the connector sends the payment to InforLN.
Particularly, paying attention to the following field:

DocumentType: 1, In InforLN means "Allocated Sales Payment"
BusinessPartner: 300000366, InforLN customer code to allocate the payment against.
InvoiceNumber: 303-SI1-1234567890, the Invoice to allocate the payment against.

Xero Payment received from Client and related to Prepayment

Xero Payment sent to recurring Supplier


: 1234-1234-1234-1234, The unique identifier of the Payment ID.
XeroPprepaymentID: "", no Prepayment are defined.

Xero Payment received from Client and related to Prepayment

There is a straight Xero Payment having ID 5678-5678-5678-5678 against a Sales invoice, the related Customer exists in InforLN and the amount IS related to a previously made pre-payment.

The connector picks the Xero Payment "5678-5678-5678-5678" up and checks for the Customer InforLN Code. When this preliminary check is done, then the connector sends the payment to InforLN.
Particularly, paying attention to the following field:

DocumentType: 1, In InforLN means "Allocated Sales Payment"
BusinessPartner: 300000366, InforLN customer code to allocate the payment against.
InvoiceNumber: 303-SI1-1234567890, the Invoice to allocate the payment against.
XeroPaymentID: 5678-5678-5678-5678, The unique identifier of the Payment ID.
XeroPprepaymentID: "abcde-abcde-abcde-abcde", the Prepayment ID that this payment is relating to.

Xero Payment sent to recurring Supplier

There is a straight Xero Payment having ID 4321-4321-4321-4321 against a Purchase Invoice, the related Supplier exists in InforLN. By Design definition, this means that the Supplier is a recurring supplier.

The connector picks the Xero Payment "4321-4321-4321-4321" up and checks for the Supplier InforLN Code. When this preliminary check is done, then the connector sends the payment to InforLN.
Particularly, paying attention to the following field:

DocumentType: 2, In InforLN means "Allocated Purchase Payment"
BusinessPartner: BP00000001, InforLN supplier code to allocate the payment against.
InvoiceNumber: abcdefg-303-PI1-1234567890, the Invoice to allocate the payment against.
XeroPaymentID: 4321-4321-4321-4321, The unique identifier of the Payment ID.
XeroPprepaymentID: "", the Prepayment ID is empty because the payment is not referring to any purchase prepayments.

Xero Payment sent to non recurring Supplier

There is a straight Xero Payment having ID 5678-5678-5678-5678 against an invoice, the related Customer exists in InforLN and the amount IS related to a previously made pre-payment.

The connector picks the Xero Payment "5678-5678-5678-5678" up and checks for the Customer InforLN Code. When this preliminary check is done, then the connector sends the payment to InforLN.
Particularly, paying attention to the following field:

DocumentType: 1, In InforLN means "Allocated Sales Payment"
BusinessPartner: 300000366, InforLN customer code to allocate the payment against.
InvoiceNumber: 303-SI1-1234567890, the Invoice to allocate the payment against.
XeroPaymentID: 5678-5678-5678-5678, The unique identifier of the Payment ID.
XeroPprepaymentID: "abcde-abcde-abcde-abcde", the Prepayment ID that this payment is relating to.


Xero Prepayment received from Client


Xero Prepayment made for  recurring Supplier (Xero supplier does exist in Infor)

it works

Xero Prepayment non recurring Supplier (Xero supplier does not exist in Infor)
