Versions Compared


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In Xero there is "InvoiceNumber = INV-00049" but in Infor this does not exist.

By DesginDesign, the Connector does not send back Sales Invoices to InforLN. InforLN is the source of truth of the Sales Invoices, all the Sales Invoices should be created in there. This does not give any problem in terms of Invoice synchronisation, but it will in terms of Payments: indeed the Connector is designed to collect all the recently-changed payments in Xero and trying to sync them back to InforLN. In this case InforLN will fail, raising an exception in the Stellarise Connector Audit Table.


InforLN Purchase Invoice: "source" field <> Stellarisedifferent from Stellarise

In InforLN, there are some purchase invoices modified in a given period of time. Some of them are legitimate and some aren't because they were created by Stellarise Connector in the previous run.

InforLN Sales invoice wrong Ledger Code / Tax rates
