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Stellarise Connector creates or updates the Xero invoice by "InvoiceNumber = 303-SI1-2000004". It will only have one invoice line, having unit price, discount, tax amount and total amount calculated as the sum of all the the InforLN invoice lines. Invoice Line Description just reports "RTF" if the InforLN Invoice "RelatedPurchaseInvoice" field is empty, the content of the InforLN Invoice "RelatedPurchaseInvoice" field if it is assigned.

InforLN Sales invoice wrong Ledger Code / Tax rates not mapped in Stellarise Connector

In InforLN there is an invoice having with Invoice Name "303-SI1-2000004" and having one invoice line that has a ledger code and a tax rate not correctly mapped in the Stellarise Connector settings. No defaults behavior is also set in the Stellarise Connector Ledger settings.

Stellarise Connector collects the InforLN Invoice "InvoiceName = 303-SI1-2000004" and realises that the Ledger code or the Tax Rate that should be present in the InforLN-Xero ledgercodes/taxrates map (Connector Settings) . It will only have one invoice line, having unit price, discount, tax amount and total amount calculated as the sum of all the the InforLN invoice lines. Invoice Line Description just reports "RTF" if the InforLN Invoice "RelatedPurchaseInvoice" field is empty, the content of the InforLN Invoice "RelatedPurchaseInvoice" field if it is assignedbut it is not. In addition there is not any deafult specified. At this point, Stellarise Connector tries to transfer it anyway to Xero but since the invoice status is set by Design to "approved" and Xero does not allow approved invoices without explicitly specified ledger, Stellarise will record the exception in the audit table, reporting that the invoice cannot be created because there is no ledger code defined against it.

InforLN Sales invoice correct Ledger Code / Tax rates, not mapped but with default

In InforLN there is an invoice with Invoice Name "303-SI1-2000005" and having one invoice line that has a ledger code and a tax rate not correctly mapped in the Stellarise Connector settings. But a default is set for Ledger codes and tax rates.

InforLN Sales invoice correct Ledger Code / Tax rates, not mapped but with defaultStellarise Connector collects the InforLN Invoice "InvoiceName = 303-SI1-2000005" and realises that the Ledger code or the Tax Rate that should be present in the InforLN-Xero ledgercodes/taxrates map (Connector Settings) but it is not. Anyway, there is a default Ledger Code / Tax rate defined against it: Stellarise Connector will then assign this default values to the Xero invoice, that will then be successfully created in Xero.

InforLN Sales invoice created now, but the "Process until" setting in Stellarise Connector is set to "Until yesterday"

In InforLN there is an invoice with Invoice Name "303-SI1-2000006" which has literally been created now, while you are reading this document. In the Connector settings, the property "Process Data Until:" is set to "yesterday".

Stellarise Connector exploits the capability of InforLN to retrieve entities between a certain period of time. Typically, the starting point of the considered time period is the last DateTime the Connector has run. the Upper limit of the time period is calculated instead using the formula "Now minus number of days specified in the 'Process Data Until' field": in the example, using "Yesterday" means that the upper limit of the timeframe is "Now - one day", resulting in a request to InforLN that literally is "give me all the Sales Invoices modified since the last time I have requested to you and Today minus the number of days specified in the 'Process Data Until' field"".

Stellarise Connector collects then all the timeframe matching InforLN Invoices, but "InvoiceName = 303-SI1-2000006" is one of them. and realises that the Ledger code or the Tax Rate that should be present in the InforLN-Xero ledgercodes/taxrates map (Connector Settings) but it is not. Anyway, there is a default Ledger Code / Tax rate defined against it: Stellarise Connector will then assign this default values to the Xero invoice, that will then be successfully created in Xero.

Xero Sales Invoice exists but not in InforLN
